The Hypermobile Client in the Pilates Environment

The Hypermobile Client in the Pilates Environment


The Hypermobile Client in the Pilates Environment

Created by Suzanne Martin, MA, PT, DPT, this one day course is designed to address the growing need for Pilates instructors, fitness instructors and allied health professionals to expand their practice potential into the care of those with the only-recently understood dysfunctions associated with hypermobility. 

Hypermobility is a poorly understood condition, whose diagnosis is often missed by traditional imaging techniques. Hypermobility can mean a number of things. The hyper-mobile population includes clients who are either post-partum, have acquired their flexibility through physical training or trauma, have an autoimmune issue or have a genetically loose collagen type. In addition, their joints may be shaped differently than our general client population.

The Pilates Methodology is well-suited to help with the dilemma of pain and dysfunction associated with populations who have hypermobility. Learn how to identify the differences between various forms of hypermobility, their varying causes and what you can do to intervene utilizing the Pilates Method of rehabilitation and management. Learn quick assessment techniques to help identify this population. Learn how to identify some of the abnormalities associated with the condition in the spine, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles .


Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:


  1. Describe the term hypermobility.

  2. Better understand the different populations who may be affected by hypermobility and why

  3. Better understand the difference between acquired and genetic hypermobility

  4. Describe the body’s local tissues reactions to hypermobile joints

  5. Better understand the difference between instability and hypermobility

  6. Better understand the difference between those with a disease state and those with a hypermobile condition

  7. Better understand the elements involved with helping those with hypermobility to exercise safely

  8. Describe how the Pilates environment can help those with hypermobility

  9. List and identify the criteria for the revised  Brighton hypermobility scale

  10. Describe evidence that gives information about how to help and train those with hypermobility

  11. Describe goals useful in working with a hypermobile population

  12. Learn exercise series in the Pilates environment that focus on the following body areas to promote better joint congruency and ergonomics in the Pilates environment as well as in daily life

  • Spine

  • Hips

  • Knee and leg alignment

  • Ankles and feet

  • Elbows and wrists

  • Neck

The Hypermobile Client in the Pilates Environment


7 hours

Further Details


The hyper-mobile population is especially at risk for increased ligament laxity and tends to have low tone musculature. Evidence-based diagnostic criteria will be given to determine the level of laxity involvement, and an overview of the spectrum of hypermobility, from pathological to benign, will be presented. The pathophysiology will be explained, as well as several cases will be highlighted.


Paradoxically these clients need proper form to stretch fascia and musculature although they are especially at risk for increased ligament laxity. Many tend to have low muscle tone. Learn how to enhance joint congruency and promote the proprioception needed for stability so that they can both enjoy, and build, true strength through Pilates.


Contraindications and precautions for treatment will be addressed for this population. Course content reviews structural assessment and targets the most effective sites of concentration for optimal stabilization in order to restore optimal function and greatest discomfort relief. Manual treatments will be suggested and demonstrated, as well as emphasis being given for the rationale for spring compression engagement in the development of neurogenic strength. Specific reformer, trapeze table choreography will be presented along with a home-exercise spring program.



The Hypermobile Client in the Pilates Environment