The Foot: Assessment techniques for Foot management


Correctives for foot health and management require looking at the whole lower chain mechanics, starting from the lumbar spine downwards. Learn assessments based on not only static posture but also the functioning of the whole lower extremity in motion. Learn how the foot reciprocates the actions of the sacro-iliac joint, as motion travels up and down the myofascial connections of the inner and outer units.




  • At the end of this program, participants will be able to:
  • Identify foot type, shape and superficial anatomy
  • Identify neutral positions of the ankle, foot, knee, hip and pelvic landmarks
  • Identify normal motion at the hind-foot, mid-foot and forefoot
  • Identify coordination between the pelvis and the foot
  • Describe and identify hypermobility in clients and the precautions associated with this condition in relation to the use and precautions for Pilates
  • Describe and identify leg length differences in clients and the precautions associated with this condition in relation to Pilates instruction
  • Identify common conditions and abnormalities associated with the ankle/foot complex 
  • Identify normal and not-so-normal gait patterns




This workshop will suit :

All qualified Pilates instructors

Medically trained movement rehab professionals : Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopats etc

Advanced fitness professionals 

Dance and sports conditioning professionals


8 hours