3.1 Practical Fascial Release methods for Movement Professionals


The Mbodies 'DFuzz' Practical Myofascial Release Course is an online course designed for all movement professionals who wish to work with either a group of clients or individual clients to release the fascia.

This Myofascial release course is all online training for Pilates teachers and physiotherapists.  The course starts with an Introduction to Fascia to ensure an understanding of what is to be achieved from the practical exercises which follow.   Other theory lessons include looking at Contraindications for Practical Myofascial Release as well as Tips on how to release the Fascia effectively, as well as a lesson looking at common trigger points and where the referred pain related to those trigger points may evidence themselves.

The Practical Lessons are differentiated by the style of releases which include self-releases with Body Working Balls or Foam Rollers, Trigger Point releases using small harder balls and prickle balls as well as hand and foot rehydration of the fascia.

In addition to self-releases there is a comprehensive lesson involving hands on releases with a one-on-one client.

First 5 minutes of - Lesson 1 from this course


Online Lessons

Lesson 1 : An Introduction to Fascia      (27 min : 48 secs)
Lesson 2 : Contraindications For Myofascial Release    (5 min : 04 secs)
Lesson 3 : Tips & Precautions For Myofascial Release Techniques   (4 min : 13 secs)
Lesson 4 : Self Release With Body Working Balls     (53 min : 19 secs)
Lesson 5 : Self Release With Foam Rollers     (14 min : 21 secs)
Lesson 6 : Partner Releases With Body Balls & Spikey Balls   (43 min : 44 secs)
Lesson 7: Trigger Point Self Releases      (47 min : 28 secs)
Lesson 8 : Pain Referral Areas & Related Trigger Pointss    (2 min : 27 secs)
Lesson 9 : Hand & Foot Hydration & Releases     (18 min : 44 secs)



By the end of this course Students will :

Recognise changes in body position and Posture as a result of releasing the fascia

Understand how fascial constrictions increase over time if not released

Be able to identify the ideal accessories to use to release the fascia for different body parts.

Be able to teach self-release strategies to their group or one-on-one participants

Understand and compare and contrast the difference betweeen different methods such as 'Body Rolling', Trigger Point, The MELT Method, Prickle Ball etc. sufficiently to pursue further training in these areas if desired.

Be able to work one-on-one with a client using a combination of their body weight and a suitable Body Working accessory to assist the release of the fascia

Understand the importance of time and breath to facilitate a release

Take away a Release strategy which dictates an order and combination of releases to meet a particular objective.

Understand the correct positioning of a ball, Roller or prop and the range of movement that is safe.

Understand contra-indications for the techniques taught and populations that are not recommended to undertake specific releases. 


5 minutes from Lesson 4 Self Releases with Body Working Balls
A Partner Release


This practical tuition is suitable for all levels of Fitness Instructor, Pilates Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Dance Instructor, Physical Education Teacher, Sports conditioning coach, or other movement professional.  it is also appropriate for movement related medical practitioners such as physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Osteopaths.

Massage Therapists and Body Workers may also find this workshop adds techniques and knowledge to their toolbox.


There are 4 hours of online lessons but allow 2 - 3 hours on top to properly feel the releases and complete the course.

Further Details

Online Learning Theory & Practical  Price :-  £150.00

This Course is also a module within the Women's Wellness Specialist Qualification

5 minutes from Lesson 5 Self Releases with Foam rollers
Hand rehydration